Showing posts with label Shoreline. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shoreline. Show all posts

A.W. - Ballard, Shoreline 2002-06

Your Name




Which describes your role at Mars Hill?

Regular Attender, Member

What Mars Hill location(s) did you attend?

Ballard, Shoreline

What years were you involved / attending?

2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006

How did you first hear about Mars Hill?

I actually found MH on Yelp.  I was looking for a church in the Seattle area and discovered it online.  

What was the circumstance of your first time attending Mars HIll?

I attended alone as a new/non-Christian.  I had decided it was time to make some changes in my life, and I had a hard time believing that we are just inconsequential beings with no purpose and no destiny.  I had a lot of questions about who I was.  I remember being in the small Ballard church and really taking in the sermons and the revelations about Jesus.  

What were your first impressions?

I immediately knew I had heard the truth when the gospel had been preached at MH.  I became a regular attendee and looked forward to Sunday when I could hear Mark preach.  Overall, the smaller building was welcoming and friendly at first.  I had initially requested to speak with a pastor.  I was naive and thought it would be great to sit down with a pastor and talk about how the gospel had changed me and how I felt about it.  I guess I was hoping to be welcomed into the church, but what resulted was a meeting with a pastor where I walked away feeling awkward.  I think the pastor was typically only meeting with people with huge life issues or something, and I wasn't there to discuss that.  So, I think I was expecting one thing and he was expecting something else.  It ended up leaving me feeling a little disappointed and uncomfortable.

Why was Mars Hill your church home?

I loved Mark's preaching style and the church in general immediately appealed to me.  I was excited at the number of congregants from all age groups and backgrounds and I wanted to be a part of that community and to grow in Christ.

What about your time at Mars Hill has had a positive impact on you?

Mars Hill was the first place I heard the gospel preached.  I learned about Jesus, and why I desperately needed him.  I felt I had finally discovered the truth and wanted to live by it.

What about your time at Mars Hill has had a negative impact on you?

Well, this is a long story so please bear with me.  I met my husband on a Yahoo dating site.  He was a non-Christian and I had just started attending Mars Hill.  I encouraged him to come with me to church, and we both began attending regularly, before and after we got married.  

I was a very lonely person.  I had little family to speak of and my mother and I had a very abusive relationship.  I had been emotionally and physically abused my entire life at the hands of my mother.  My father was never in my life.  I really wanted a family, a husband, and children, and I wanted security.  I didn't have it in my life and I desperately wanted it.  So, I can honestly say I wasn't very discerning about relationships with men in general.  When I met my soon-to-be husband, there were immediately HUGE red flags, but I pretended they didn't exist so I could get what I thought I wanted.  I am extremely sorry for that decision.  

My husband was an alcoholic.  I didn't realize the extent of it until after we were married and we started living together.  He was so drunk by 6 PM that he would oftentimes not even know where he was.  He would urinate on the floor and verbally abuse me.  Then he started physically abusing me.  Again, I was naive and very unwise in the way I conducted myself.  I tried to argue with him when he was drunk, and would raise my voice at him.  That instigated him physically assaulting me.  I'm not saying it's my fault, but I definitely made my fair share of mistakes too.  

As time went on, things escalated.  I was hit, punched, kicked, slapped, had my hair pulled, and physically tackled (like a football player) to the floor or against the wall.  One evening, "THE" evening that changed everything, we had an argument over a project we were working on.  He was drunk and I poked him on the nose saying "You need to treat me with more respect!".  At that point, he followed me into the kitchen and tackled me up against the kitchen cabinets.  He began choking me by placing his elbow into my throat (where I had recently had surgery to remove my thyroid) and pressing so that I could not breathe. I panicked and managed to fight him off of me.  Afraid he would attack me again, I picked up a knife on the counter and told him to stay away while I called the police.  When the police arrived I was arrested because I had ripped his shirt while fighting him off.  I actually couldn't believe it.  I remember sitting in jail thinking that the pastors of MH would help me.  If I could just get ahold of someone to help me.  I filed for a restraining order and he was removed from our home.  While the police were outside, he was allowed to retrieve personal items from the home.  What he did instead was take my glasses, my wedding ring, my make up, pour 2 liter bottles of soda on my clothes and on the bed, steal my hard drive, destroy my jewelry, turned off the water at the main, and set up a small space heater in the garage, surrounded by flammable materials.  I believe he was trying to burn the house down.

After that, he began contacting basically everyone we knew in common.  People from the church, my family, his family, our friends.  He called my mom and told her I was a lesbian and screamed at her "This is WAR!".  He told the church members that I had cheated on him and God only knows what else.  It was the hardest part of this separation, the lies, the deception, the revenge.  I reached out to MH pastors when I decided to file for divorce.  My husband was not showing any signs of repentance, mainly by being dishonest about what happened, about his drinking problem, lying to people about me, having my cell phone disconnected, cleaning out our bank account, falsifying documents to steal money from a trust we had set up, lying in court, oh... and trying to kill me.  That was a big one.

The pastors immediately began pushing me to reconcile with him.  But there was no way that was going to happen.  I knew I had to get away.  I was pressured daily with phone calls and emails.  I was asked to get a physical examination and have the results sent to the church, which I was not going to do.  I was put on church discipline, and shunned.

People in the church who I thought were my friends never called.  Either they believed my husband's lies or they believed I should reconcile and that I was sinning by not doing so.  Nobody called to see how I was.  Nobody stopped by.  It seemed nobody cared.  I was really devastated by that.  How could I fight this?  How could I disprove all the lies without turning into a he-said she-said scenario.  I tried contacting several friends who my husband had previously contacted.  They wouldn't talk to me and they would not hear my side of things.  So I remained silent for years about what really happened.

So, Today, almost 10 years later, I'm here to say that I survived.  Those people and pastors at MH hurt me badly.  I spent years in a deep depression and contemplated suicide until the Lord helped me to forgive everyone.  I forgave my husband, the church, it's members, and the pastors.  Forgiving is really what saved me.  Jesus saved me through His truth and light.  While what Mark did to some pastors at MH was not right, we are all guilty of hurting others, and what we must do is forgive, even if you feel he does not deserve it.  And we must trust God.  "Vengeance is mine" says the Lord God.  So let the Lord have his vengeance and trust that He will work things out with His justice.  

I have many emails or correspondence with MH pastors, the elders, etc., that I have saved and would be happy to share those with anybody interested, including the contract stating that I was to get a physical examination and allow my doctor to share it with the church.  I am not interested in naming names or pointing fingers, but my story is the truth.  I was wronged and mistreated. And maybe now it's time for me to share my story.

What would you like to have changed about Mars Hill?

I think that what was missing at MH was genuine love for each other.  I think people today have forgotten how to really love one another.  People don’t know how to be a friend, how to be a parent, how to be a relative, how to be a good neighbor, and to REALLY love someone.  

Loving someone means that you can disapprove of their sin but still love their soul.  Loving someone means that you put on Jesus’ glasses and attempt to view humanity the way that HE sees humanity.  People are broken, and what mends them together is the love of Christ that should radiate through His people.  For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten son.  Without love, Christ would never have been crucified and salvation would be lost.

But honestly, MH failed at loving.  I’m not great at it either.  I have been hurt in a way that makes it very difficult to get close to anyone because I fear hurt and disappointment. But we ought to remember that because Jesus LOVED us that He brought grace and hope and reconciliation to us.

In John 13:35 Jesus said,
“By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

In 1 John 4:17 it states, “7 Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. 8 Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. 9 This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. 10 This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. 11 Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. 12 No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.

Which describes you?

I left Mars Hill prior to closure.

Please describe why you left Mars Hill and what that experience was like.

I was basically shut out, shunned, and shut down.  I had to leave because I was not willing to be treated that way.

How would you describe the reason for Mars Hill's closure to an outsider.

I think it was sad, but it was something that had to happen.  Certain sins had to be brought to light, and I think Mark is a smart man but he has some serious character flaws that need to be worked out.  I feel that he should not be in ministry at this time, I don't think real change and repentance of sin comes from brute force and authoritarianism but through love and relationship.  I don't think he's quite figured that out yet.  Love is what changes and restores, not pressure, vilification and shunning.  When Christ died for our sins he said "It is finished!", not "We'll have to wait and see what the pastors of MH think".  

What MH did to me, and many others, was wrong, and my heart aches for anyone else who went through that kind of treatment at MH.

What's changed for you since your time at Mars Hill came to an end?

I have grown to mature in Christ.  I'm such a different person now.  I think that what happened to me, Jesus took and turned it into good.  I have become more gentle, loving, kind, slow to anger, slow to speak, more contemplative, and forgiving.   That in itself is a miracle.  A pastor at MH told me that if I didn't reconcile with my husband, I would become "a Bitter, angry woman".  But I'm not.  Praise God.   I still love Jesus dearly, that will never change.  I am sorry that the family of MH was destroyed.  But look how easy pride and anger and hostility can ruin a beautiful thing.  I encourage everyone to LOVE each other.  It's not easy to do at times, but everyone is a sinner, everyone falls short, and LOVE is the restorer.  

Please write anything else you'd like to add.

Thank you for sharing my story.

Sam - Ballard, Shoreline 2004-09

Your Name




Which describes your role at Mars Hill?

Regular Attender

What Mars Hill location(s) did you attend?

Ballard, Shoreline

What years were you involved / attending?

2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009

How did you first hear about Mars Hill?

A family that was very close friends with my family for most of my life was a large part of Mars Hill from almost the beginning of the church, and they invited us to join. They were soon kicked out of the church because of the father's disagreement with Pastor Mark's leadership, but my family stayed, until almost the end of the church.

What was the circumstance of your first time attending Mars HIll?

The family that we were very close to invited my family to come. We came, and my parents were uncertain whether they wanted to stay or not, because they didn't like how big of a church it was. My dad was an elder in the last church we went to, and he and my mom wanted to leave because they weren't happy with the way the pastor was handling the church's money (how ironic).  They ended up deciding to stay, because they liked Pastor Mark's sermons

What were your first impressions?

I was a teenager, and Mars Hill was just so much more exciting than the churches I had attended before. The music especially was great, considering how I always hated Christian rock. Here was creative, enjoyable music that was also Christian without being boring. That, and there were a lot of young, cool people to get to know

Why was Mars Hill your church home?

I was a teenager at the time, and I was also homeschooled, so it was at church that I made the most friends my age. I was very active in the youth group, "Proxy." Even after I "graduated" from Proxy, I volunteered occasionally as a youth leader.

What about your time at Mars Hill has had a positive impact on you?

I was at Mars Hill during my formative years, so it's hard to discern what was good and what was bad. I'll say this: I've had the best bible study groups in Proxy than anywhere else in my life. We would tackle really difficult theological issues, like the problem is evil, and the nature of God; things that we clearly had no answer to, but we enjoyed discussing none the less.

What about your time at Mars Hill has had a negative impact on you?

I had a lot of ideas implanted in my head, since I was so young, that I really disagree with now. For example, gender roles: the idea that women shouldn't be leaders, men must be the head of the household, and the patriarch is extremely important; that homosexuality is evil; that anything sexual outside of marriage is sinful and should be fiercely monitored; etc. The biggest thing of all though, is being told that I must always submit to authority, that I can make no decisions without the say-so of people older than me. That really broke me, when I found out that I disagreed with my elders; it was hard to not feel guilty for something I shouldn't have felt guilty for

What would you like to have changed about Mars Hill?

Almost everything that had to do with doctrine. If it was a large collective of people who loved Jesus, and loved people, and loved creative music and art, and formed close, constructive relationships with each other, without trying to form everyone into one church, believing in only one doctrine, being led by leaders that think the way one person tells them to think. Mark used to brag about how he wasn't the lead pastor of the church, how he "couldn't even get into the church by himself, because he didn't have the keys." Turns out it wasn't that way at all

Which describes you?

I left Mars Hill prior to closure.

Please describe why you left Mars Hill and what that experience was like.

At first, I left Mars Hill because I went to college out of town. At that time I grew intellectually, and found I disagreed with almost everything I was taught at Mars Hill. When I came home to Seattle, I found a lot of my closest friends from Mars Hill and Proxy felt the same way. Soon after that, I had a profound experience that made me realize that I was no longer a Christian, and it was the most freeing feeling in my life. I had originally thought I had found salvation and grace at Mars Hill, but I felt it more profoundly after leaving

How would you describe the reason for Mars Hill's closure to an outsider.

Well, it became a huge community of people who loved each other, and were connected under the belief of a loving Christ, and Mark Driscoll tried to control it for egotistical reasons and with manipulative actions, and it drove people against each other, until it all collapsed.

What's changed for you since your time at Mars Hill came to an end?

Not a Christian, and happy for it.

Lauren - Ballard, Downtown Seattle, Shoreline 2008-14

Your Name




Which describes your role at Mars Hill?

Regular Attender

What Mars Hill location(s) did you attend?

Ballard, Downtown Seattle, Shoreline

What years were you involved / attending?

2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014

How did you first hear about Mars Hill?

I actually first heard of Mars Hill when the local paper did an article about it and the Driscoll family. It was 1998 and I was in 7th grade. I didn't start attending until I was in college though and didn't become a member until I was married in 2010.

What was the circumstance of your first time attending Mars HIll?

I was a high school junior and the churches served as a concert venue. My first sermon was as a high school senior and I went with my older brother. He and his wife were members.

What were your first impressions?

I thought it was great. It was hip, engaging, compelling, and unapologetic. A far cry from the PCUSA church I grew up in.

Why was Mars Hill your church home?

Because it didn't shy away from proclaiming biblical truths. In a city so anti-Christianity it was refreshing to feel empowered by my faith instead of constantly beaten down and criticized for it. MH's focus on community was unlike anything I had ever seen. The intentionality behind it was incredible. Growing up as a Christian in the PNW was not easy, finding a place like MH was a game changer.

What about your time at Mars Hill has had a positive impact on you?

Honestly, most of it. I have made some incredible lasting relationships with people. I have learned what intentional community looks like. I have learned to be bold, and courageous. I have learned good biblical theology which has left me so much more equipped to share the gospel with others.

What about your time at Mars Hill has had a negative impact on you?

Mars Hill burst the bubble of naivety i would have liked to keep. I have already learned that Jesus is bigger than the church. I have already experienced the disappointment of failed leadership so in that regard nothing that went down at MH was new to me. It didn't rock my faith or belief in the church. I was already passed that stage in my walk. It did however force me to be more discerning when it comes to who I follow and who I listen to. I can't give a pastor the benefit of the doubt any longer. That sucks. It sucks that people are sinners and it sucks that no one (or profession) is safe from that. Mars Hill left me with scars when it comes to trusting those in biblical leadership over me. I hate that.

What would you like to have changed about Mars Hill?

That there had been more transparency. It wasn't like all the members of MH were brain dead lemmings. I honestly had no idea that so much of this crap was going on. If I had (if many of us had) this history of bullying and abuse would never have gone on so long. Transparency leads
To accountability. Which MH clearly didn't have.

Which describes you?

I left Mars Hill prior to closure.

Please describe why you left Mars Hill and what that experience was like.

It was awful. I felt stranded and disconnected in a way I hadn't felt since we joined MH. Looking for a new church was one of the hardest years of my adult life. It all felt so unnecessary. Like this all could have been avoided.

How would you describe the reason for Mars Hill's closure to an outsider.

That it was a lot less juicy and exciting than it looked from the outside. The pastoral calling is a high one, it leaves a lot of room to fall. Mark Driscoll fell and he fell hard. Mars Hill was a church whose leader failed. He failed to lead, he failed to love, he failed to repent. That's what happened. Any further detail is gossip to an outsider because the details don't matter. There are a myriad of sins that could have disqualified MD from being a pastor. The specific ones he committed were immaterial to the outcome.

What's changed for you since your time at Mars Hill came to an end?

Not much. We found a new church, had another baby, we moved on with our life. We still love Jesus and we are still in Christian community. My faith and life were and are much bigger than Mark Driscoll and Mars Hill. This wasn't the first ministry I watched fail due to corruption and it may not be the last. We move on and stop dwelling on the sins of someone else. We remember and cling to the truth that Jesus is bigger than all this which is why we put our trust in him and not man.

Please write anything else you'd like to add.

I still pray that the heart of Mark Driscoll be softened. We are all called to repentance and it sucks to watch a brother in the faith sit in stubbornness. I will not hold my breath but reconciliation would be wonderful.

Member - Ballard, Shoreline 1997, 2001-08



Which describes your role at Mars Hill?


What Mars Hill location(s) did you attend?

Ballard, Shoreline

What years were you involved / attending?

1997, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008

How did you first hear about Mars Hill?

I was involved in a homeless ministry in college and some of the other volunteers attended Mars Hill.

What was the circumstance of your first time attending Mars HIll?

I was a college student who attended the evening service sometimes.

What were your first impressions?

I liked that it wasn't religious seeming. I liked the plain talk preaching, and I was learning to read the Bible in a way I could understand.

Why was Mars Hill your church home?

At first it was the proximity to college, plain talk sermons. Later I appreciated studying the Bible with community, the extensive teaching, and the music was amazing.

What about your time at Mars Hill has had a positive impact on you?

Learning to read the Bible and explore theology.

What about your time at Mars Hill has had a negative impact on you?

It was painful to see the disconnect between what I saw in the scriptures and what I increasingly saw in leadership and the Body. It became more religious and rules/power/shame-based. Regrettably, I became more this way. Additionally, I saw how leadership treated people and began to hate what I saw--arrogant, cut-throat, nasty behavior. The increased boasting and showy pontificating from the pulpit nauseated me. A lot of previously valued concepts (equality of elders, expository preaching, etc) were less valued or tossed completely. Basically the more I learned about God's love, the less I saw it at Mars Hill.

What would you like to have changed about Mars Hill?

Humble and courageous accountability in leadership rather than concentrated power from a man who was feared and excused because of his gifting.

Which describes you?

I left Mars Hill prior to closure.

Please describe why you left Mars Hill and what that experience was like.

We left because of the firing of Bent Meyer and Paul Petry and the events around the changing of the bylaws in 2007. We didn't know either well, but we read what the materials the church itself distributed and were very disturbed by the unbiblical treatment of these two men. We wrote to Mark and received no response--although other elders told us he received our letter and was shaken by it. We were told we burned our bridges-- which was hurtful because we tried to communicate prayerfully with gentleness and respect. When we left, it was obvious that many in our MH community did not know how to interact with us. Close friends/mentors dropped us. We felt like we wear wearing a scarlet letter.  The worst example of this is when I was basically forced to resign my position working for a MH pastor at his private business. He told me it would be "easier" if we didn't work together now that we left MH. He began to suddenly attack my work (after previously consistently praising it to me and others verbally in writing). He bullied and shamed me over the course of a couple weeks in front of my co-workers (most of whom went to MH) by having a co-worker take away my keys, moving my desk out of my office to an entry way, making a co-worker a "new" supervisor, blasting me in a staff mtg, etc. I didn't understand. My spouse and I plead with him to help me understand. When I couldn't tolerate it anymore, I resigned. This caused a lot of harm to us financially. But God was gracious to provide. (This pastor was not a pastor at MH for much longer after this incident, but has never apologized or reached out despite my invitations to do so.) This was one of the most shaming experiences I have ever had and it still affects me. My spouse was saved at MH and Mark used to meet with my spouse as a new believer. Our experience at MH rocked our view of God's love, biblical community, male and female roles and godly marriage. We have received much healing. But in some ways, we are still recovering all these years later.

How would you describe the reason for Mars Hill's closure to an outsider.

Abusive authoritarian leadership led to a series of related more public ethical failures. MH was built on Mark. When he left, the whole thing collapsed.

What's changed for you since your time at Mars Hill came to an end?

Ministers are servants (to "minister" means to serve"). Humble accountable leadership is a must. Concentration of power is not good for fallen/fallible man. We can accomplish the most amazing things ever in ministry and have the most phenomenal giftings, but without love it is all meaningless. The first shall be last. Jesus has tender words for  vulnerable societal outcastes who knew they were sinners and had harsh terrifying words for powerful proud arrogant authoritarian leaders. We were all enamoured by what was flashy, loud, and external.  That has caused deep harm. A lot of rotten fruit has come from MH and its rotten roots, and yet our God redeems beauty from ashes. He uses even our sin to bring about beauty. I have seen this and I believe He will continue this work. I pray for mercy for myself and for all involved at MH. I pray with love for mercy on Mark who seems to be taking the path of Saul.

Member - Ballard, Lake City, Shoreline 2001-09



Which describes your role at Mars Hill?


What Mars Hill location(s) did you attend?

Ballard, Lake City / Wedgewood, Shoreline

What years were you involved / attending?

2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009

How did you first hear about Mars Hill?

My parents had friends from their old church who started attending MH in about 2001, and those friends invited my parents.

What was the circumstance of your first time attending Mars HIll?

I was nine years old, and the service was in the previous Ballard building up on Earl Ave NW.

What were your first impressions?

Being nine years old, I'm sure the first thing I noticed was that there was no children's church. I sat in the sanctuary like everyone else, and was one of the very few kids above the age of 6.

Why was Mars Hill your church home?

I think my parents were drawn to MH for much of the same reasons anyone else was -- charismatic preaching, a big emphasis on "community," sermons preached from the Bible.

It was my home because it was my family's church, and I was too young to have a well-formed opinion.

What about your time at Mars Hill has had a positive impact on you?

I think it has really finely-tuned my bullshit meter when it comes to what public figures say vs. what actually happens.

What about your time at Mars Hill has had a negative impact on you?

I do not trust American evangelical Protestantism at all, particularly when certain people (regardless of gender or theological bent) are seen as leaders or definitive voices. I am openly critical of any church that employs graphic designers to advertise church functions, regardless of how nice it looks. I absolutely cannot abide any organization run exclusively by men. I have very little motivation or interest in participating in a church at all.

What would you like to have changed about Mars Hill?

I just wish we had never gone.

Which describes you?

I left Mars Hill prior to closure.

Please describe why you left Mars Hill and what that experience was like.

Thankfully, when I was 17 I left for college and did not have to return. I had zero emotional attachments to the church, just memories of exclusion, fear, disappointment, and rejection. The one friend I had, a mentor who I spoke with often and who I truly loved and respected, eventually completely stopped talking to me and we have not contacted each other in almost three years.

How would you describe the reason for Mars Hill's closure to an outsider.

People genuinely believed that God could be threatened by questions.

What's changed for you since your time at Mars Hill came to an end?

I am openly gay and not ashamed about being mentally ill, for starters, both things that would have 100% been Big Sins at MH. I haven't heard the phrase "but have you given it all to Jesus?" lately and I'm thankful for that. I attend a non-evangelical church now that makes me feel loved just the way that I am.

Angela Giboney 1997-2014

Your Name

Angela Giboney



Which describes your role at Mars Hill?

Regular Attender, Member, Group Leader (any leadership role)

What Mars Hill location(s) did you attend?

Ballard, Bellevue, Downtown Seattle, Lake City / Wedgewood, Portland, Shoreline, Sammamish, Tacoma, West Seattle

What years were you involved / attending?

1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014

How did you first hear about Mars Hill?

The person I was dating had played sports in high school with Mark. He told me about Mars Hill.

What was the circumstance of your first time attending Mars HIll?

It was at Laurel Hurst.

What were your first impressions?

Young, interesting, bible preaching, unusual music ever that sometimes was difficult to sing.

Why was Mars Hill your church home?

The people of Mars Hill loved and cared for me, I became a member and God made it clear it was home in this season.

What about your time at Mars Hill has had a positive impact on you?

God used the time at Mars Hill to move me from trusting Him with my eternity to trusting Him with my life.

What about your time at Mars Hill has had a negative impact on you?

Sadness that God's church was grown in way that included the pain of The body not giving the grace they have received and want to leaders when they sinned and were blind to their sin.

What would you like to have changed about Mars Hill?

Better communication and less fear.  More resources to children and a willingness to grow slower to ensure the people were not getting ahead of God's equipping.

Which describes you?

I stayed at Mars Hill through closure.

Please describe why you stayed at Mars Hill and what that experience was like.

God did not tell me to leave, so I stayed, so that I could be used for His glory where I was.

How would you describe the reason for Mars Hill's closure to an outsider.

Our church went through a difficult time and because of sin and fear that occurred over many years and the unforgiving response of some who claim to be Christians.  The plan for a long time was that if anything every happened to Mark the locations would each become different churches.  If Mark had stayed, the attention would have been on him, not on Jesus and for the safety and mental and physical protection of his children he could not continue in the same role.

What's changed for you since your time at Mars Hill came to an end?

It is hard to be excited about church to the degree we were before.  I have not yet heard from God where He wants me to declare membership.

Please write anything else you'd like to add.

God's church will continue to grow and many churches are being equipped with trained leaders for His glory, they are growing with people hungry for God and his word.  I wish God would have chosen a different solution, but God knows much better than I do what is necessary and best.