Prefer not to say
Which describes your role at Mars Hill?
Regular Attender, Member, Group Leader (any leadership role)
What Mars Hill location(s) did you attend?
Prefer not to specify
What years were you involved / attending?
2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013
How did you first hear about Mars Hill?
A friend told me about the church.
What was the circumstance of your first time attending Mars HIll?
A friend invited me.
What were your first impressions?
I was inspired to serve the city of Seattle.
Why was Mars Hill your church home?
I enjoyed the preaching.
What about your time at Mars Hill has had a positive impact on you?
I met my spouse there.
What about your time at Mars Hill has had a negative impact on you?
Mars Hill doctrine that was drilled into my head.
What would you like to have changed about Mars Hill?
There was an "obey your leadership and don't question the authority" attitude that was not cool. Arrogant leadership.
Which describes you?
I left Mars Hill prior to closure.
Please describe why you left Mars Hill and what that experience was like.
The preaching got very political and seemed to be more about Mark's personal views than the Bible.
How would you describe the reason for Mars Hill's closure to an outsider.
Lots of bad judgement and pride.
What's changed for you since your time at Mars Hill came to an end?
Focus more on Jesus and don't rely so much on church leadership for guidance.
Please write anything else you'd like to add.
I'm not exactly sure why these stories are being collected and why people are still talking about Mars Hill. For me it was a chapter in my life and now it's over. It feels like people (including the designers of this survey) are hanging onto the past and I don't understand why. Also, how will these stories be used? Is this someone's attempt to collect stories for a book or script or something like that? This feels like an exploitation that is very Mars Hill like. Sad irony. :((Editors note: There was no way to respond to this person directly, but the hope is these stories will serve to add nuance and personalize this situation for future readers. This is the extent of planned usage of these stories)