Staff - Sammamish 2004-14



Which describes your role at Mars Hill?

Member, Group Leader (any leadership role), Staff

What Mars Hill location(s) did you attend?


What years were you involved / attending?

2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014

How did you first hear about Mars Hill?

College friend

What was the circumstance of your first time attending Mars HIll?

College friends brought me

What were your first impressions?

It was cool. The pastor was funny

Why was Mars Hill your church home?

I liked the teaching for most of the years

What about your time at Mars Hill has had a positive impact on you?

Learned a lot of theology the first few years

What about your time at Mars Hill has had a negative impact on you?

The staff culture was the worst culture of any of the companies I've worked for. Redemption groups were led by jerks who were totally unqualified for that role.

What would you like to have changed about Mars Hill?

It was a good thing to be mean to people who struggled with sin. Grace was spoken from pulpit but never given in real life.

Which describes you?

I left Mars Hill prior to closure.

Please describe why you left Mars Hill and what that experience was like.

The last 2 years, the teaching was awful. It was as if the Spirit had left.

The pastors at my location were some of the meanest people I have ever met.

Most of the pastors were unqualified and untrained.

How would you describe the reason for Mars Hill's closure to an outsider.

Mark stole a bunch of money from people and lied about a bunch of things.

What's changed for you since your time at Mars Hill came to an end?

Understanding of grace. I get it now. Though that word was taught, it was never practiced. Because I'd never seen someone give grace I had no idea what it actually was.

After leaving I understand what freedom feels like. I understand how a pastor should be. I am weary of most pastors now.

After leaving Mars Hill I found out God actually likes me.

Please write anything else you'd like to add.

I could add pages but I'm typing this on my phone.